[MGX] Core Lower -FrameKit iD100
Welcome to the MGX MarkerSmith
-This is a unique MGX part that is only compatible with the Inception Design iD100 upper.
-No other MGX parts required
MGX Showcase Video
[MGX] Core Lower -FrameKit iD100
MWR is launching The MGX Lower for iD100 that combines the trusted AR style Upper from Inception design with the MGX Lower design.
MWR has worked tirelessly to bring this Lower to market at a price point that will surprise many for its dense feature list. Paired with optimal and elegant design and some of the best 3Dprinters on the market, we print this Lower with our #1 choice material for the job, Carbon Fiber PETG, for its excellent resistance to impacts and proven track record for printing magfed resistant products.
The first thing to notice about the design of our Lower is the ASA adapter angle which takes your air tank up behind the grip instead of perfectly horizonal. This 15degree offset in tank angle has many advantages for ergonomics, design and overall marker size. The angle also opened up a whole new line of MGX stocks specifically designed for this configuration.
Compatability is key with our Lower and we can confirm testing for many internal valves has been done.
Here is a list of known tested upgrades via our testing and beta tester's reports that are affected by the Lower
-All DAM and EMF Mags including Dam Box mag (with EMF Modding)
-Original EMF Valve
-PE 3Way Valve
-DeadlyWinds hair45 v1 (V2 not compatible at this time)
-Original Trigger
-Hyper Trigger
-Fang trigger
-EMF Mag release-MWR Extended Release
-EMF Safety
-MWR AmbiSafety
-Bolt Mods are not affected
Main Feature List
-15degree angled air tank
-Compatible with all original EMF parts or common performance upgrades
-AirThrough Stock Ready with an updated adapter sold by CS Magfed
-Swappable trigger guard for future modding possibilities such a dual trigger guards
-Swappable grip Inserts for color accents in the future
Quality of life features we designed in to make this lower as awesome as possible
-Ergonomic Grip and feel
-Finger spot for middle finger shooters
-Safety bushings printed flat for smooth safety action
-Trigger pin bushings in case the pin holes wear out
-Print files available for all inserted parts, Grip accents, trigger pin bushings, safety bushings, etc..
-Trigger plate screws and brass pins deleted for quicker teardowns. changing trigger spring is SO much faster.
-Trigger guard hole for allen key
-MWR Ambi safety perfectly integrated in the body detail